Gazebo Fortress LeoRover Simulation


I’m wondering if anyone tried running the LeoRover in the new Ignition Gazebo Fortress?

I know there’s the marsyard example of a LeoRover simulation running in Gazebo Classic, but I’d like to run simulations in the newest version of Gazebo.

Shit, sorry for late reply. For now, we don’t plan to move to Fortress and tbh this one would be on hold for at least 1year in case of our development.
Most probably we’ll tackle it only when we move to ROS2, but still nothing sure now.

No worries, I ended up hacking a Gazebo Fortress simulation my self.

The urdf to sdf conversion isn’t great at the moment, every link needs inertia values which isn’t the case in the current urdf. Else the frames aren’t added to the sdf. The visuals are but they’re linked directly to the base_footprint.

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