IMU sensor does not appear

Hi Everyone,

I’m using LeoRover v1.8 and i have LeoCore Controller inside. I’m folowing this tutorial for autonomous navigation : Leo Rover Developer Guides - Autonomous Navigation

My problem is : when i execute this comand to hear topic message of IMU sensor , i receive this message :
pi@leo:~$ rostopic echo /imu/gyro
WARNING: topic [/imu/gyro] does not appear to be published yet

I don’t know why it doesn’t work . I already tested to see all topics on my workspace and i saw /firmware/IMU and imu/data_raw but why the topic /imu/gyro doesn’t appear ?

Normally, the IMU sensor is already integrated in LeoCore controller.
The message below is the terminal :

pi@leo:~$ rostopic echo /imu/gyro
WARNING: topic [/imu/gyro] does not appear to be published yet

Sorry for no reply before.
@Blazej_Sowa or @Bitterisland6 , can you check?

The tutorial is a bit outdated. As you have LeoRover v1.8 you should proceed with the firmware/imu